
These rules apply to everyone i choose to see ! initial contact rules please remember. These are for all adults in the modeling world. models are not sex workers

1. models don't sell sex.

2. models don't talk about sex.

3. Don't talk about about sex.

4. models do not sell sex! As a matter of fact you can pretty much insure a really bad experience with any adult model if you ask her how much it would cost to have sex with you.

5. Leave your money on the table. All models will tell you what they expect in donation, before you get there. So don't make the model ask you for money.

6. model Companions will be so much more comfortable with you and you will have a better experience if you follow this advise.

11. I do not indulge in rumors about other models nor should you! I do not personally know the other models in any area. And they do not know me I am a 100% independent adult model.